About Operation Consumption Liberation

Operation Consumption Liberation (OCL) is the silly name I gave to my year-long quest to consume less in 2011.  I have now begun cycle 2 of OCL for the 2012 calendar year, in addition to a new year-long challenge called Operation Fear Liberation (OFL). My blog, Operation: Liberation!, follows my experiences, adventures, trials, and reflections for both OCL and OFL challenges.

OCL in a nutshell: Every month, I will abstain from or minimize my partaking of a different item or practice in which I feel my overindulgence has a negative or less healthy impact, be it on my personal well-being, or on the well-being of the human race and planet Earth.

I've put together a rough monthly schedule with the twelve reduction/elimination challenges I will take on over the course of the 2012. The order of the challenges is subject to change, but not the content. Each month on this blog, I will clearly define the monthly challenge’s rules and stipulations, explore the impacts of overindulging in the selected object/practice, and share about what I experience and learn in abandoning that object/practice.  You can check out my 2011 monthly challenge schedule here.

My mission is NOT to permanently eliminate any of these habits and dependencies, but rather, in eliminating/reducing my consumption of them for a month, to lessen their overall prevalence in my life, thus somewhat liberating me from my consumption.