Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Curb Frivolous Spending, Part 1: the Eating and Drinking Out Edition

As a single woman who lives alone, I go out to eat a lot.  In fact, off the top of my head, I can think of TEN meals eaten out during January alone.  That's during my month of no sugar, mind you. Also, I can think of at least two coffee dates and two drinks dates (there must be more of those!). Looking at my debit card record online, I charged $147.41 on meals in restaurant. Now I know I paid cash at least twice, so let's add $40 to that total ($187.00). Divide 187 by 10, and we're averaging $18.70 per meal out.

i am cute
 Drinking wine, in a restaurant, as usual.

Now, this is highly unscientific. But think about what one can do with $18 dollars. That's my monthly gym membership, with extra to spare!  That's almost two months of Netflix. That's half a tank of gas, well, maybe.  Until my rates went up this month, that amount covered my copay at the doctor's office. Think of the possibilities!

The W & the C's yummy oysters...
There is nothing inherently wrong with eating out or drinking out--in moderation. (Ha!  I think I said the exact same thing about sugar last month!)  That meal Dad and I ate on Thursday at The Walrus and The Carpenter--amazing.  It is an easy way to socialize with friends: it doesn't take a lot of creativity, and we've all got to eat sometime.  And it is convenient as hell for a single gal like me.  If I cook a big dish, roast a chicken or something, I better have someone coming over for dinner.  I made a huge pot of lentil soup earlier this month, and I can't tell you how sick I got of eating lentils for lunch.  It's all me or nothing.

But eating out is a LUXURY.  I may be making enough to cover my bills at present, but we're still living in a recession.  I'm not even going to start on how there are people starving in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Bangladesh, or Haiti.  There are.  Perhaps I'll go into this later.

So I'm going to cease my eating and drinking out for the month of February.  At the end of the month, I'm going to do my best to calculate how much money I saved from eating in, and donate half of that amount to a world hunger relief organization TBA (nominees, anyone?). What constitutes eating out and drinking out?  How gung ho am I going to go?  Here's my rules:

1.  No meals in restaurants.

2.  No take-out meals, including the deli at Whole Foods, etc.  That includes hot prepared soups and prepared sandwiches. However, I will allow myself to eat soup from a can and frozen food entrees, though I don't generally eat much of either.  Also, if friends invite me over to watch the Super Bowl, or Oscars, or whatever, and they're serving Pizza Hut or something from the deli section, I'll eat it--they're the hosts.

Whole Foods Deli: friend to the hungry and in a hurry, foe to the paycheck. Credit: Whole Foods Market

3.  No popcorn or snacks bought at the movies (seriously, $6 for that crap??). However, if I want to buy a bag of that white cheddar popcorn at the store, I will.  I probably won't.

4.  I will only allow myself to purchase four beverages for the entire month of February.  That's one drink out a week, so I better use it wisely.  I'm bending here as a concession to my friends, and so I don't spend the entire month crying about how I suddenly have no social life.

5.  If it suits me, I can go and use my Groupon to Cupcake Royale, because it is going to expire in March and I haven't eaten any of my one dozen cupcakes.  Oops.

Finally you will be mine. Photo by Rachel from Cupcakes take the Cake.

6.  If I decide to go out of town, I have the right to put a hold on my month of not eating out for the duration of my trip rather than subjecting my hosts to my rules. If this happens, my month of not eating out will continue into March for the length of the trip and overlap with my month of not--gulp--drinking alcohol.

7.  "Eating out" does not include picnics or going over to friends' houses for dinner.  Duh.

To balance out my removal of eating/drinking out from my life, I need to add something pleasurable. For January, that thing was sleep.  For February, I want to increase my social activity!  The easiest way to do this, clearly, is to have people over for dinner more.  Thus, I'd like to invite you all over for homemade pizza. Or soup.  I'm going to make one or the other each weekend this month, calendar to be announced.  Let me know if you want an invite!  OR if you'd rather I come to your house to cook with you, I can run with that too. 
pretty drink
Maybe I'll make you one of these pretty drinks!

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