Re-purpose genius: I wrote a love note on that homemade caramel's paper wrapping. |
Ya know, I meant to write more about paper and packaging during the
Reduce Paper Waste month of
Operation Consumption Liberation. I really did.
But here we are, December 16, and I’m still scrambling to figure out
what the heck I’m going to do on Christmas Day since I’m waiting until after
the big day to travel home this year. Christmas orphans get lonely, yo! Feel free to drop by my place or invite me to
dinner. (FYI: I like peppermint stick ice cream. Also, doorbells and sleigh
bells, schnitzel with the noodles.)
Anyway, since my last post, I:
- Bought a car after the pokiest 4-month-long shopping process
- Hosted a friend on my floor for several days.
- Got shingles. (Not contagious unless you’ve never had
the chicken pox and just happen to touch one of the open blisters in my armpit—because
I’m totally walking around with my armpit exposed in the middle of December—THEN
you might get the chicken pox. Anyway, the
blisters itch like crazy. For two days I
felt all achy and worn down in that flu-like way for the first two days. And since I live alone, there was no one
there to make me soup. Poor shingles-afflicted, single-occupant, Christmas
orphan me….)
How is that for a whine fest? Memo to self: this post was supposed to be
about paper.