Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Reverse psychology

In the last week, I have had THREE dreams about eating sugar.  I binged on a whole bunch of chocolate chip cookies in the first dream, and then slapped my forehead and said, "OH SHOOT!  I forgot this is no sugar month!"  The next night, I dreamed I picked up a peppermint upon leaving a restaurant, popped it in my mouth, and then slapped my head and said, "OH SHOOT!  I forgot this is no sugar month!"  I don't remember what sweet confection I ate in my dream the next night, but I'm reasonably certain that Dream Jess slapped her forehead and said, "OH SHOOT! I forgot this is no sugar month!"

Luckily, I haven't eaten anywhere with peppermints at the door.  And I haven't been tempted with fresh baked cookies--if you want to see me slap my forehead, though, all you have to do is show up at my door with a plate of them.  I confess, I am craving the sweets right now.  I experienced a pang of longing, like an arrow in my heart, while walking past a package of Duncan Hines cookie mix at Bartells tonight.  And I never do those box mixes--those would never call my name seductively if I were currently on the white stuff.

So I decided to try to beat the cravings with a page from Psych 101.  Or maybe straight from an episode of "The Simpsons" or just about any other TV comedy:  Reverse Psychology.  The TV Guide blurb would read, "In this episode, our over-sugar-consuming heroine tries to convince herself that she doesn't want cake by looking at images of disastrous and offensive cakes."  

There's only one place to turn for that, my friends: Cakewrecks.com.  Here are some of my UN-appetizing finds.  Enjoy! (Mwahahahahaha!)

Exhibit A.
What is this made of, tuna?  BTW, those are naked babies on there.  DON"T eat babies!

Exhibit B.
I first read the name as "SPERM," not SEAN.  In case you weren't already horrified.

Exhibit C.
There's only one thing more terrifying than Alf, and that is a cake of Alf.

Lastly, Exhibit D.
It just isn't good manners to eat an extinct species OR the son of God.

Has the reverse psychology worked on you?  Or are you now calling up your nearest bakery to order a cake with Moses kissing a unicorn on top?  I wonder what kind of dreams these cakes will inspire tonight... 

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