My month of reducing my superfluous web browsing is
over. Looking over my list of what I
said I would not do online, it is clear that I part-succeeded and part-tanked this challenge. Here’s a brief
report card of how I did with each item:
1. I'll be abstaining from all items listed under "Super Superfluous."
This was a mixed bag. In terms of social media websites (Facebook,
Twitter, etc.), I abstained almost 100%.
I accidentally logged into FB the very first day. That’s it.
If this were the whole of my “Super Superfluous” category, I’d get an A. But it isn’t. While I managed not to peruse online stores
for things I don’t need, and avoided YouTube and strangers’ blogs, I totally
looked up every cast member of Game of Thrones on IMDB. AND I spent over an hour late at night reading
stupid gossip on EOnline! Grade: C
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"Moon of my life, my sun and stars" Credit: HBO |
2. I will spend no more than 15 minutes daily looking at friends' blogs and the news
Aside from gossip “news” on EOnline! (so not news), I did
keep myself in check here. Grade: A
3. I will check my email no more than three times a day.
Three times a day….ha!
I was doing pretty well during the first couple weeks of August. I only checked it twice during one eight-day
period, in fact (vacation away from Wi-Fi helps a lot). But then I came back from my trip and I had a
bunch of business to do at the computer and I found myself checking my email
all the time. And I mean, ALL the time. Grade: D+
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I should just be on vacation always. |
4. I will limit set time limits on how long I research
any particular issue for a project to
avoid getting sidetracked on tangential
but nonessential research questions.
Hmm. Well, in
terms of WORK projects, I did pretty fair at this. Considering I forgot to set actual time
limits. But I did manage my time researching
for work projects pretty well. And I
didn’t get so sidetracked on tangential but nonessential research questions. Now researching other non-work, but necessary
things, like how to unload my recently trashed car for some cash, and looking
into a new car, wow, did I waste a lot of time researching and browsing
there. Still, it’s important to be well
informed when shopping for a car….Grade: B-
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Sold! To for $600! |
5. I will allow myself to watch a total of four streaming
episodes of anything a week.
I was doing GREAT at this. Until this last week. When I totally forgot and watched the entire
first season of BBC’s “The Hour” online.
Honestly, I purchased the first episode, so that wasn’t technically
streaming…right? Grade: B
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Obsession du jour: BBC's The Hour. Photo credit: Laurence Cendrowicz, BBC |
6. I will write my blog posts offline and spend no more
than 20 minutes posting them,
uploading pictures, linking links, and formatting
online. I will spend no more than 30
minutes writing any blogs, and limit myself to four posts total during August.
Given the fact that I wrote one blog post in August, and
I was quick about it, I did great at this last item. Grade: A
My Reduce Superfluous Web Browsing Month GPA:
2.83. According to this chart, that’s a
B average. I had a B average in high
school too, but a 3.3 definitely looked more impressive.
Still, I don’t feel like this month was a failure by any
means. My difficulty in tuning out to
all the unimportant Internet clutter illustrates how deeply the web has
ingrained into our culture and routines.
Twenty years ago, I would have never eaten my meals in front of my
computer. (Granted, 20 years ago, I still
lived with my parents and we ate at the dinner table most nights--only in
special circumstances were we allowed to eat in front of the TV.) But now, I live alone and, due to my
apartment’s limited space, I don’t pull out my official dinner table unless I
have guests. So frequently, I type
between bites. Or “click-to-buy” while
chewing. What if I just sat and ate by
myself without anything to watch or read in front of me? People used to do this! I swear!
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Evidence of lunch. |
* * *
Really, this month has been all about Facebook. Not being on Facebook. So many friends, upon hearing that I
was going Facebook-free, said something like this: “Wow. I could never do that.” I’m here to tell you, “Yes you can.” Was it hard?
Sure, a little. It was hard not
knowing how to contact people because I’ve only used Facebook to communicate
with them. And it was hard to not to
type in the URL every time I opened a web browser. But did I miss it? Honestly, I
missed my friends more than the site itself. I know I missed some
notable news from my amigos this past month.
New kittens and babies and jobs, lost loved ones and hurricane damaged
houses and crashed cars.
It is nice to hop online and see those
things for a quick reminder of how very awesome my friends are.
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You are! |
There is one other thing I’d like to say about not being
on Facebook this past month. August was
not a very good month for me. I took
some big knocks. The last time I took
this many knocks in one month, I joined Facebook to connect with people in my
time of need. Later, when I’d pulled
myself back up again, I came across a print variation of this GQ piece. And I realized that during my dark time, I’d
totally been “Misery Lady”.
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Don't pity me. Well, maybe just a |
Like Misery Lady, I’d been publicly wallowing in my crappy life,
fishing for attention, and coming off as a total downer. I was horrified with myself and pledged never
to be “Misery Lady” again. Anyway, this
month, I was so glad I was under a Facebook gag order, because it would have been
very difficult to resist posting a mopey status update or two. No “Misery Lady” for me, thank you!
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Perhaps I'll try to be this guy instead. |
Going forth, my goal is to have a looser relationship
with Facebook. Maybe I won’t log in every
single day. If I can only log in once a
day, that would be commendable. And I vow
to keep trying to stop consuming mindless gossip on EOnline! Because that truly does kills brain cells.
Oh, quick report on my attempt to contact lots of people
I hadn’t communicated with off of Facebook in at least 6 months. I did not hit my goal of 16 people. That was super, super ambitious. But I did connect with six people who fit my
criteria, and I also spent a lot of time writing and talking to other friends
who I’ve seen or spoken to more recently. It was nice to talk and see so many of my
My next post will cover my consumption goal for September,
to reduce my consumption of food that is shipped from more than 300 miles
away! Local beets and beers and beef,
here we go!
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