Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Let's Get Physical - OFL Week 2

Here's my Operation Fear Liberation (OFL) snapshot for the second week of January. Once again, I've forced myself to do something new (and let me tell you, this one took a whole lot of forcing). 

Week 2: Go to the gym before 8 AM. 

Why it’s on my list: I suspect that checking my workout off my daily to-do list before John in the Morning signs off would help me start my workday earlier and allow me to settle into freelance projects uninterrupted for longer stretches of time.  Plus, it might help wake me up. 

Hang Ups: motivation, requires advance planning (laying out exercise clothes and enough time to ingest and partially digest water, coffee, and a light breakfast), physical discomfort (prefer afternoon workouts), mental grogginess (and grumpiness). 

Conquered: Friday, January 13.

Where: My gym.

How: Taking a cue from Nike, I just did it. 

The Experience: Not much of interest to report.  I got up at 7 AM.  I drank some H2O and half a cup of coffee.  I ate a piece of toast with avocado on it.  I put on my exercise clothes and I got in my car and drove to the gym, threw my purse in a locker in the women’s dressing room, and hit the mat for warm-up stretching at 7:59.  Workout consisted of doing a couple rounds on the weight machines, squeezing in 100 crunches and side crunches, and then hitting the Stairmaster for 20 minutes of butt-toning and profuse sweating. 

The Verdict: It wasn’t that bad.  Better than making myself go for a run outside at 8 AM (impossible, save on a race day).  I might just do this again and again.

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